Integrated surveillance ecosystem for European Authorities responsible for Maritime Operations leveraged by reliable and enhanced aerial support

i-SEAMORE logo
Ricard Munné
Funding Program
Horizon Europe eu flag
Project Date

The I-SEAMORE purpose is to provide an ecosystem, a holistic and advanced platform capable of managing the operation of multiple assets and systems with advanced maritime surveillance capabilities that can be easily deployed and operated at European Maritime Operation Centres (MOCs). 

The aim is to provide law enforcement agencies and European authorities with increased situational awareness and operational capabilities for maritime surveillance operations resorting to aerial and water surface support, including wide maritime border and coastal areas monitoring, analysis of potential threats, support to search and rescue operations, and detection of illegal activities, among others. 

The platform will exploit heterogenous data sources and provide a common operational picture empowered with a novel and comprehensive suite of data fusion services with increased levels of interoperability and based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and big data analysis, for optimal decision making and successful mission execution. 

Our role

ATOS coordinates the I-SEAMORE consortium, composed by 17 partners from 11 different countries.  

Besides performing as project coordinator, ARI leads WP5 I-SEAMORE Platform & Services and contributes with the development of the Visual Analytics Tool, using computer vision technologies, for detecting automatically ships and other objects of interest and with the development of the Mission Planner Module as an evolution of the existing VIGIA platform.