It will also contribute to security, privacy and trusts systems. 
AURORAL started in January 2021 and it is estimated to end on December 31st 2024.
BD4NRG aims to enable an incremental decentralized energy data-driven ecosystem and a collaborative data sovereignty driven ecosystem.
MARVEL aspires the convergence of a set of technologies in the areas of AI, analytics, multimodal perception, software eng
The AI-on-demand regional platforms built by DIH4AI are based on an Innovation & Collaboration platform developed i
MCU Fortifier is a project aimed at improving security on the Internet of Things, developing a software product and laying the foundations for the creation of a startup that will m
Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the key technologies shaping the future of the internet and the world.
HUB4CLOUD is a Coordination & Support Action project aiming to contribute to transform the current community of Cloud Computing researcher
KRAKEN aims to enable the sharing, brokerage, and trading of potentially sensitive personal data, by returning the control of this data to citizens -data p
Aims to develop solutions for zero-touch service, network and security management in multi-stakeholder environments, making use of Smart Contracts based on Distributed Ledgers Technologies to imple
The project aims to allow the power distribution grid to operate in a secure and stable manner when a large share of variable renewable electricity sources is connected to low and medium voltage gr
GIDPROvis brings two original and breakthrough technologies - Gas Ion Distillation (GID) and Sequential Ion Processing (PRO) that allows an ultra fast identification of volatile chemica
GRAPEVINE is the European initiative that will improve current pest prediction and control systems in the wine sector, thanks to Big Data and Artificial Intelligence techno
Aims to lower the barriers for Big Data, IoT, and AI-driven innovation, boosting regulatory compliance, and stimulating additional investment. The project will provide:
Aims to demonstrate innovative 100% fossil free heating and cooling solutions for new and existing district heating and cooling systems. The solutions will integrate:
Cyber-MAR aims to develop an innovative cybersecurity simulation environment for accommodating the peculiarities of the maritime sector while, bei