SEDIMARK focuses on merging the expertise of a large team of specialists to build a decentralized, secure, reliable and intelligent data and services marketplace&nbs
K-HEALTHinAIR aims at the assessment of the indoor air quality (IAQ) effects in health on the basis of an extensive monitoring campaign of chemical and biological indoor air pollut
Climate Change will increase the number and intensity of heat waves and weather extremes, which we must adapt to by protecting vulnerable groups and installing resilient infrastructures.
Large amounts of valuable data are available in energy systems but are often underused.
AI4Cities is an EU-funded Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) that has selected 41 suppliers (one of them being Atos) to design, implement and test innovative AI solutions in the fiel
Multi-morbid complex chronic conditions (CCCs) are highly prevalent in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and timely and preventive care is essential.
BD4NRG aims to enable an incremental decentralized energy data-driven ecosystem and a collaborative data sovereignty driven ecosystem.
The AI-on-demand regional platforms built by DIH4AI are based on an Innovation & Collaboration platform developed i
AURORAL started in January 2021 and it is estimated to end on December 31st 2024.
MARVEL aspires the convergence of a set of technologies in the areas of AI, analytics, multimodal perception, software eng
Personalised Medicine (PerMed) opens unexplored frontiers to treat diseases at the individual level combining clinical and omics information. However, the performances of the current simu
The objective is to develop a modular grid management solution consisting of a set of interoperable off-line and on-line software tools for an optimized design, planning, operation and maintenance
BD4OPEM will develop an analytic toolbox based on Big Data techniques, providing tools for enabling efficient business processes in the energy sector. By extractin
Aims to demonstrate an innovative set of charging infrastructures, technologies, and associated business models, ready to improve the Electric Vehicles (EV) users experience beyond early adopters,