GREEN.DAT.AI will demonstrate the efficiencies of the new large-scale data analytics services in four industries (Smart Energy, Smart Agriculture/Agri-food, Smart Mobility, Smart Banking) and six d
SECURED will address the limitations which prevent the widespread use of SMPC and effective anonymisation (due to the lack of well understood and standardised data anonymisation methods for health
The I-SEAMORE purpose is to provide an ecosystem, a holistic and advanced platform capable of managing the operation of multiple assets and systems with advanced maritime surveil
ELMUMY aims to elucidate the factors (clinical, epidemiological, environmental...) associated with the risk of developing Multiple Myeloma (MM), an incurable type of cancer, in patients with Monocl
The main objective of the PREDICT-6G is to design, create and validate e2e 6G solutions providing deterministic services over multiple inter-connected domains and technologies (inc
The main objectives of the platform are: - Representation of the Spanish ICT sector by sticking together academia, industry and research organizations.