Aims to develop a novel software architecture framework to help big data developers to efficiently distributing data analytics workloads along the compute continuu
Aims to deliver an infrastructure management system for the holistic management of computing, storage, and networking resources, encompassing techniques for runtime adaptations of all BigDa
Aims to empower users to easily utilize and interact with big data technologies by designing, building and demonstrating a unified framework that significantly increases the speed of data analysis
Aims to deliver predictive security services that span multiple IoT platforms and networks of smart objects and are based on security building blocks at both the edge and the core of IoT systems.
Aims to optimise the information security in IoT platforms and networks in a holistic, cross-layered manner (i.e IoT platforms, devices, honeypots, SDN routers, and operators controller) in or
Based on FIWARE standard APIs and Data Models, City Enabler addresses key challenges of data management by providing innovative and powerful tools for cities to collect, organize, harmonize and giv
The main objectives of the platform are: - Representation of the Spanish ICT sector by sticking together academia, industry and research organizations.