CYDERCO aims to develop, test, and validate technologies that will support and enhance the detection and response capabilities of relevant entities, including private and national SOC’s, to fight a
PLATON is a national project (funded under the Next Generation scheme) driving the transition from traditional electricity distribution networks to smart distribution networks.
FAME is a joint effort of world-class experts in data management, data technologies, the data economy and digital finance to develop, deploy and launch to the global market a unique, open, publicly
AgriDataValue is a six-year project that aims to establish itself as the "game changer" in smart farming and agri-environmental monitoring, strengthening smart farming capacity, competitiveness and
6G technologies, benefitting from softwarisation, Gb/s speed and sub-THz communications paradigms, open up opportunities for developing new and innovative network management strategies while naviga
ERATOSTHENES project started in October 2021.
GreenMov, green and smart mobility will be improved for citizens, companies, and public administrations pivoting around three purposes:
FlexiGrobots is an Innovation Action aiming to build a platform for flexible heterogeneous multi-robot systems for intelligent automation of precision agriculture operations, providing multiple ben