GreenMov, green and smart mobility will be improved for citizens, companies, and public administrations pivoting around three purposes:
FlexiGrobots is an Innovation Action aiming to build a platform for flexible heterogeneous multi-robot systems for intelligent automation of precision agriculture operations, providing multiple ben
HiDALGO is developing novel methods, algorithms and software for HPC and HPDA to accurately model and simulate the complex processes, which arise in connection wit
Building a European community of stakeholders on EO in agriculture, with the perspective of contributing to the Strategic Research Agenda and poli is a European initiative that addresses the need for effective, user-friendly environments dedicated to training of professionals in the field of cybersecurit
DEFeND is an international partnership that will deliver a platform to empower organizations in different sectors to assess and comply to the European Union’s General Data
FENTEC designs Functional Encryption (FE) systems with varying functional, security, hardware and software requirements and aims to develop new FE as an efficient