GreenMov, green and smart mobility will be improved for citizens, companies, and public administrations pivoting around three purposes:
GRIDS will support and simplify the online onboarding of individual and business customers, mostly SMEs, materializing very high time and effort savings.
The drone services market is forecasted to become 63.6 b$ by 2025.
European industry companies face great challenges to transfer knowledge among the staff. Machine downtime in UK alone cost €210bn per year and over 70% are estimated to be caused by human errors.
Integrated and mobile-based solution for physical access control based on high-assurance levels cyber identity evidence such as eID card or ePassport, and
Digital Europe for All (DE4A) effectively puts forward a new Member State-driven large-scale pilot aimed at compliance with Single Digital Gateway.
The action aims at combining the benefits of Member-State backed citizen (natural person identification and authentication through eIDAS) and student and researchers identities (ed
From 2018, European banks have to open their information system to let 3rd parties interoperate with customers account information and payment services (PSD2 directive).
Critical Infrastructure inspection is nowadays a costly process, as it requires operators reviewing infrastructures to check distances of thousands of kilometres which are often placed in difficult